Cleaning Checklist
□ All blinds to be cleaned, free of marks and stains
□ Windows, window sills and tracks to be vacuumed and cleaned
□ Doors, door frames and tracks to be left clean and undamaged
□ Marks to be removed from walls with sugar soap or similar product
□ Cobwebs to be removed from ceiling cornices and walls
□ All light fittings to be cleaned and free from insects
□ All light globes to be in working order
□ All floors and skirting boards to be washed
□ All mirrors cleaned and free of streaks
□ All exhaust fans to be cleaned
□ Air vents to be dusted
□ All vertical blind strings to be attached and secure
□ All items on inventory to be accounted for including vacuum cleaner, mop, bucket, iron, toaster, kettle etc.
□ Air Conditioners and filters to be cleaned
□ Picture hook holes must be patched and painted in a tradesman like manner.
□ The convection oven/full oven or microwave must be cleaned. Drip trays to be cleaned of all grease
□ Stove top to be cleaned and free of all grease, marks including around the edges and under lip
□ Range hood cleaned including the filters, cleaned of all grease
□ All cupboards and drawers must be cleaned inside and out (don’t forget the tops of the cupboards!)
□ Sink taps and rubbish disposal unit cleaned
□ Walls and tiled areas to be free from grease
□ All benches and floors to be cleaned and free from grease (don’t forget the corners)
□ Refrigerator and freezer to be cleaned and defrosted, with all surfaces to be cleaned, including shelves and crisper drawers
□ Shower recess to be scrubbed
□ Grouting to be free of all soap residue and mould
□ Shower glass to be washed and free of all soap build up and streaks
□ All plugholes are to be clean and free from debris
□ Mirrors to be wiped over
□ All drawers and cupboards to be cleaned
□ Toilet to be cleaned thoroughly, including bowl, lid, seat, cistern and behind the toilet
□ Carpets must be vacuumed thoroughly including in all corners and under the bed, desk and drawers. Carpet must be free of marks or stains. Please note that carpets will need to be professionally steam cleaned at the cost of the tenant if damage and/or stains are found on departure.
□ Damage that occurs due to the renters’ neglect must be rectified at the renter’s cost in a tradesman like manner prior to vacating.
□ Rent must be paid up to the last date of the signed tenancy agreement.
Inspection and cleaning
What you need to know about your departure room inspection.
Getting your bond refund
Find out when your bond will be refunded and how.
Donating used items
A guide on donating your unwanted items to charity.
Departure FAQs
Get answers to all your questions in one place.